Thursday, February 5, 2009 mean this is not real grass?

As many of you guys know, we have besides our wonderful son, three hairy kids - Josey, Penny and Dusty.We love them dearly, but the are a killer on every landscape we ever tried.Our backlawn looks like a minefield (holes, some as deep as to the center of the earth),yellow spots as bright as the sun - you guys get the picture.

We tried a lot, inculding actually training the dogs to leave the lawn alone, which in fact didn't work out too well.So we decided this year, to do the only thing left to get our backyard in decent shape again - artificial turf!

We called all companies in New Mexico, which are only three and got our bits. Which, we discovered , differ quiet a bit. After we made a final decision, we waited anxiously for the workers to come. Boy, were we surprised. Yes, the workers came, but instead of the dynamic team we were expecting, these two retirement age close , very well rounded older gentlemen arrived.They were willing, but their physic wasn't.After a short while, their heads were red as New Mexican chilli is hot and their foreheads had seen more water than Bernalillo County the past year. I was worried that they would fall over and I had to resucitate them!

Well, the progress of the lawn was very limited and instead of being done in one day, as the owner of the company had told us, our two friends stop working after a short time and left.

The next day, was like the previous one and our two fellows went happy off into their weekend. Our "lawn" didn't look worse, actually better, at least the deep holes were gone.

After the weekend, Chip and Chonge arrived with help - in form of their about 12 year old son and their wifes. Their teamwork got the job done and I am glad that the labor department didn't checked on us - we pretty much broke all laws against child labor. Chip and Chonge were sitting on the bench, while the importet minions worked.

At the end, the lawn was in place and everybody was pleased. It took longer than we expected, but hey!- what is time anyway!

The new grass feels great, Christopher loves it, the dogs love it and we are ready for the warm season. Lets have a toast to Chip and Chonge

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